A study on the integrated housing development programm in Jimma, Ethopia
20/12/01 – Salus Healthy City Design Conference- Designing resilient communities, London, UK
The case of the Bungamati Action Plan, post-earthquake Nepal
18/11/08 – 8th ICBR, Build Resilience Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
Cases of Tsunami Sri Lanka, Earthquake Nepal and Dengue Ethopia at MaHS/MaUSP KULeuven
18/06/06 – Design, Disaster & Development Reserach Forum, Barcelona, Spain
18/02/01 – Self-Recovery Conference, TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands
The case of Bungamati and Khokana, Nepal
17/11/24 – Inauguration Hon. Prof. Raf Tuts, UN Habitat, KULeuven, Belgium
17/11/14 – Luca School of Arts, Hasselt, Belgium
Guest lecture at the Human Settlements Course
16/12/09 – MaHS/MaUSP program, KULeuven, Belgium
16/01/25 – UK Shelter Forum, London, United Kingdom